Are you prepared?
Most people figure they can just ease into a bike ride and then kick it into high gear
when everything starts to feel loose. This is how injuries can occur. A proper warmup
is highly recommended before a long road race.
Warming up is important!
Before a long bike ride race, a good cardiovascular system warm up is a good way to get
some blood flowing to all the body parts used during cycling. Either an on-road light ride or
a steady spin on a stationary trainer for 10 to 15 minutes will usually do the trick. This Is a
good time to clear the head and get mentally prepared for the upcoming ride as well.
Afterwards, some dynamic stretching would be good too. Some dynamic torso twisting,
jumps and lunges are good examples. A good static stretching routine will also help to
minimize muscle imbalance, injury prevention and improving cycling performance as well.
Bike riding pain free and feeling your best on and off the bike is the end goal you should
be looking to achieve.
Tips from Chris, a master trainer from 425 Fitness

Registration DELAYED!
Redmond Rotary uses the ACTIVE event registration platform. ACTIVE is the leader in online event registrations. Registration includes one beer, lunch, SAG stop snacks, goody bags, and all the fun you can stand. Priceless!
A portion of your registration will go to the Redmond Rotary Foundation to support local and international charities. Riders will also have the opportunity to fundraise for their favorite charities. See the ACTIVE registration site for more information.
On-line registration ends at midnight on January 24. You'll still be able to register in person on the day of the event, but it's going to cost you!
Frequently Asked Questions

Redmond Rotary depends on many volunteers on the day of the event to make it a success You can sign up to help either before or after the ride. Volunteer registration will be available closer to the event.

Parking is available at the Redmond City Hall parking garage, 8711 160th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052, on the second through fourth floors. Overflow parking may be available at the King County District Courthouse, 8601 160th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052. Please DO NOT park in the Redmond Public Library parking area.

Yes, you can register at packet pickup on Friday, January 24 at Postdoc Brewing,17625 NE 65th St #100, Redmond, WA 98052, from 3 to 6 p.m. You can also register the morning of the ride. HOWEVER, if you choose one of these options, the base cost of $70 will increase to $85.

Rider packets will be available starting at 7:30 a.m. on the day of the ride. Rider packets will also be available the evening before, Friday, January 24, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Postdoc Brewing Company, 17625 NE 65th St #100, Redmond, WA 98052. We encourage all riders to save time and pick up their packets the evening before the ride.

The part of the course that runs through the watershed is a single track. There are places you can ride side by side, but there might be other people on the trail. We’d say that more than 70 percent is not a single track. The ride through the watershed has many curves and only a few steep ups and downs. Most of the Pipeline Trail is wide. Heart Attack Hill is a challenge, with two steep downhill runs on the course.

Rain will make the ride even stinkier! We will hold the ride, even if it's raining. We have, however, postponed the ride when snowy and icy conditions made it too treacherous to ride. Sometimes the weather can be just too stinky.

Kids and families are welcome to ride. However, the course is challenging, and we recommend that riders be nine years of age or older.

We are not checking that each rider wears a helmet, but it is recommended for the safety of each rider.

Yes, electric bikes are allowed.
Redmond Rotary Club
Rotary International is a humanitarian service organization that brings together business and professional leaders in order to provide community service, promote integrity, and advance goodwill, peace, and understanding in the world. Redmond Rotary produces Stinky Spoke, our major fundraising event of the year, to raise needed funds for local charities and international priorities. Its education program recognizes students-of-the-month at Redmond High School, supports Redmond High’s Interact Club, and awards scholarships so that students can further their educations.
(Thanks to all the photographers that have captured Stinky Spoke images. Our lead photo is courtesy of Kimberly Lind Photography.)

Redmond Rotary meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at noon at the Family Pancake House and the second and fourth Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at Postdoc Brewing Company - Join us!